The % and MOD operators return the remainder after integer division. For example, 5 MOD 2 returns 1 and -5 MOD 2 returns -1. Any operation involving a noValue (BLANK) produces a noValue result. NoValue results appear as blank entries in tabular data and are not reflected in plotted traces at all.
The Boolean and magnitude operators are:
AND or && combination
OR or || conjunction
NOT or ! inverse
!= or <> not equal
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
== equal to
The assignment operators are:
id = expression; // the assignment statement
id += expression; // equivalent to id = id + expression;
id -= expression; // equivalent to id = id - expression;
id *= expression; // equivalent to = id * expression;
id /= expression; // equivalent to id = id / expression;
id++; // equivalent to id = id + 1;
++id; // equivalent to id = id + 1;
id--; // equivalent to id = id - 1;
--id; // equivalent to id = id - 1;
Evaluation order
Operators in an expression are generally evaluated from left to right, however there is a hierarchy of precedence among the operators. The following list is in descending order of precedence. Within each group, operators have equal precedence. Note that putting any expression in parentheses insures that it will always be evaluated first.